Monday, November 5, 2012

The 4th Selection goes to...


Sorry I'm late at sharing. Charles, I know we haven't really seen you in the discussions, so if you don't have the time just let me know!


  1. Masha! Thank you!

    How about a selection from the beginning Jorge Luis Borges's Ficciones? In particular the Prologue to the first section and then the first story, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"?

    If that sounds like a plan, let me know. Ficciones is available in stand-alone format or as part of a big collection of Borges's Collected Fictions that was released a few years ago. I can provide a PDF of scanned pages for the selection for anyone who needs it.

  2. Great! I think most people will need it though! Why don't you send it out to me, and then I'll pass it along to everyone else!!


  3. Thanks! There's copies for downloading in a public folder on my Dropbox. The longer one includes the Prologue and the story. The second, shorter one includes the translator's endnotes for those who want them.


What do you think?