Thursday, October 18, 2012

Guess who gets to pick next!

I have a collection of names to draw from..if you’d like a chance to pick the story or essay for the coming week, say ‘hi’ in the introduction section, it’s the easiest way for me to decide who has the time to check often and choose!

       This week, I let Yarrow draw the name, and she picked Seth. So here you go, honey, pick something good!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. I think yes, that's great. By the way, the blog let me log in so my log in name is Terrwyn. This is code for Loretta. I'm not sure how it is code or where I got the name " terrwyn" but that's what it is and that's how it is-- kinda like math and fractions. It doesn't make sense why you can factor out all the fractions and get the LCM but you can and so there you go. Long to short: Terrwyn is code for Loretta.

  4. Hey M.,

    I'm not sure if you meant that people should register by posting a comment on the Introduction post, or if you meant they should post a note about being available this coming week in particular by commenting on this post here? In either case, feel free to put my name in the raffle.

  5. Oh don't worry Charles, you're in! I was trying to encourage introductions. :) I think I'll pick next time, instead of letting Yarrow, she was looking at Seth the whole time, I think she really wanted to make sure he got it.


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