Monday, September 24, 2012

Let's begin!

Short Story #1: “The Exiles” by Ray Bradbury. You can find it in the collection The Illustrated Man.

It should be pretty easy to get a hold of, but if you’re having trouble, give me a yell in the comments and I’ll help out. I thought it’d be a great one to start with because it’s fun, but it does have some meat as well. I’d love to hear your thoughts as soon as you have them, I’ll be posting mine in a day or two, and meanwhile, don’t forget the introductions!

Remember that you can either send me an email ( to be posted as it's own blogpost, or if you just have tiny bit to say, you can use the comments, that works too. I'm trying to give us a lot of options for actual discussion, so we don't feel all cramped up in the comment's section or bound by only my posts for discussion.



  1. ..And ~ Laura has PDFs of the story for anyone who needs one!

    Thanks Laura!

  2. Wow, what a story.

    I think I might run away to the the mountains of Virginia for a weekend.

    1. Well, shoot. Nevermind, I read "The Emissary," not "The Exiles."

  3. ***!!Spoiler Warning!!*** -- hey, M, how should we handle spoilers during the reading period?

    . . .

    . . . .

    Hey, so, as someone who is just now starting to learn about science again after literally two decades of total isolation in the squishiest of the liberal arts, I am finding this story way too interesting. Not sure what I think yet, but woooah.

    My initial impression was: "Those aren't scientists! That's Mr. Thomas Gradgrind in the role of Andrew Jackson!"

    Now I'm trying to figure out which scientists (or social scientists) were deriding or trying to discourage fantasy / supernatural fiction reading in 1949, which may very well be beside the point.

    The sand at the end, though? Perfect. No one does desolate sandscapes like Bradbury. Mars is lucky to have him.

  4. Miss Laura, I need a PDF please! Would you be able to e-mail it to


What do you think?